
There's so much knowledge out there There's so much information, so many ways to get better And we make, we make so many mistakes We're the product of our mistakes And oftentimes the lesson is sitting there right in front of our face It's there to be learned, but we miss it Or we don't pay attention to it Or we think we know better, until it punches us in the face And the most important thing to learn is that we have so much to learn We all do And we can learn from school and people and from experience And we learn from life You get one shot One shot at this gig right here Life One life, that's all you got One life One shot But you have to process the information and you have to absorb it You have to accept it, you have to open your mind You gotta free your mind so that you can learn And make real progress And as far as regrets and things I wish I would've done differently, of course Hindsight, hindsight is 20-20 And looking back, of course Who wouldn't wanna take another go at something And improve on the first try by doing it again? And then why not do it again and again and again? Why not do it over and over again until you have it perfect? But the fact is, you don't get that chance You get one shot One shot at this gig right here Life One life, that's all you got One life One shot And regret, in and of itself, it's worthless It does nothing for you in fact The only valuable thing in regret is the lesson you learned The knowledge that you gain But walking around filled with regret Gets you nothing So, learn and move on Don't let regret beat you down Don't be a slave to regret, no Let it teach you Let it make you better Let the fear of regret fuel you To take action today Now Now You get one shot One shot at this gig right here Life One life, that's all you got One life One shot You get one shot One shot at this gig right here Life One life, that's all you got One life One shot Take action now to become a better person Not filled with regret But filled with knowledge Filled with knowledge and strength and power And filled with life
Writer(s): Adam Narkiewicz Lyrics powered by