
Here's some more Use your despair to find freedom Use your despair to find freedom Use your sadness (your sadness) Loneliness (loneliness), depression (depression) And despair (despair), to buy your freedom Do you know how to do that? And by the way freedom feels really good Here's how Do you remember that day you were lonely And uh sad and neurotic and anxious and depressed And every other bad feeling in the world And if only you could talk to that guy Or that girl that the person of your affection If you feel like you're gonna die anyway just do it You're free, go up to that person that you think is Going to turn you down and guess what they probably will Doesn't matter, doesn't matter Everybody's failing all over the world all the time Go up to that person and say to yourself before you walk up My whole life is garbage right now I'm sad, I'm lonely, I'm neurotic, let's mix it up a little bit Let's shake the box, let's just see what happens Leave your box walk directly up to that person That is way better than you in your your broken mind They're not way better than you but you think they are And say "You know i just wondered if you'd like to go out to dinner with me I think it'd be fun" Use your despair to find freedom Use your despair to find freedom Use your sadness (your sadness) Loneliness (loneliness), depression (depression) And despair (despair), to buy your freedom To buy your freedom What happens? Well let me tell you a story that happened just like that I'm divert gonna, divert a little bit Years ago, when I was single I lived in San Francisco Had no social life whatsoever, no game It was before online dating I mean meeting somebody was really really hard pre-internet And I joined a group called the Spinsters Well, I didn't join them I went to an event that they had Spinsters were young women who were single And they had an ironic name And they would have these big parties and they would invite men And it was just basically a way to meet people So, I went to one of these events with my friend, Josh And we walked in, and we looked around And we said to ourselves "Hmm not exactly the most attractive room" I don't want to be unkind But it wasn't exactly what we were hoping for With one exception across the room There was one unusually attractive woman And she sort of stood out As the most attractive woman in the entire place And so, I said to my friend, well this is a this is a disaster We wasted a night I'm just going to go over To the most attractive woman in the room I'll flame out in about a second and a half And then we'll be done, and we just go home So, I walked directly up to the most attractive woman in the room And she was my girlfriend for 11 months Use your despair to find freedom Use your despair to find freedom Use your sadness (your sadness) Loneliness (loneliness), depression (depression) And despair (despair), to buy your freedom To buy your freedom Now, if you would ask me what were my odds I would have said pretty close to zero, pretty close to zero And it turns out that other people Were intimidated and didn't talk to her, ha Now, why was I able to walk up to someone That I could normally not walk up to? Because I'd given up, I had absolutely given up There was nothing for me here I just said Well, doesn't matter and I don't know her If she turns me down nothing lost The moment you realize that your despair is your freedom You're free
Writer(s): Adam Narkiewicz Lyrics powered by