
Hey chico, one more time I met him on a bus in Barcelona We kinda got to talkin' But he did all to talkin' I asked him what he did in Barcelona In sunny Barcelona And this is what he said You are fortunate my friend Of this there is no doubt For everywhere I go the people shout Hey torero Make way for Don jose the great torero In Spain I am a famous Caballero I fight the bravest bull in all the land With the flip of the hip Of the music of the band I cha cha The bull him, only if he gets in my way Torero, torero ole He bragged about the many senoritas Who showered him with flowers With big bouquets of flowers He told me that in Hollywood They want him to be like Marlon Brando The great big movie star But as he left the bus He met two men in white He shouted as they took him out of sight Hey torero Make way for Don Jose the great torero In Spain I am a famous Caballero I fight the bravest bull in all the land With the flip of the hip of the music of the band I cha cha, The bull is so confused because I cha cha I never kill him, only if he gets in my way Torero, torero ole Ole
Writer(s): Dick Manning, Al Hoffman, Orig. Ital. Music: Carosone, Orig. Ital. Nisa Lyrics powered by