
He was skinny as a rake-like two-by-four Ugly as sin born premature Mother had trouble trying to take To a kid that looked like a garden rake Ah, sons are sons, and Dad wasn't proud Didn't make him feel like one of the crowd Wood cuttin' boys from up in the sticks Laughed at the sight of Earle "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, wimp" He was treated like scum and he felt like dirt Couldn't lift a chainsaw, couldn't make it work Father often said that he didn't have a clue But Mother didn't feed him and he hardly grew "Hungry, I'm hungry" So Earle disappeared for 15 years Father didn't miss him and his mother didn't care After a while, they forgot about Earle And his girlfriend said, "Who cares?" Stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned Earle Stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned Earle Stunned, stunned, stunned, stunned Earle In this little town, life went on the same 'Til one hot July, and no rain came Great big fire set the country ablaze And everyone cuttin' fire breaks Ah, they sawed, and they sawed, but they couldn't outrun The smoky fumes and the fiery tongues They were losing fast, it was lookin' bad Who would save their town? "Save me! Save me!" And nobody knew, neither foe nor friend That Earle had grown to seven-foot-ten Arm like culverts, legs like trees Fists like hammers, and hairy knees "Shave me! Shave me!" Far off in the woods, above the din and the roar Came a sound nobody had heard before Trees were falling like a tidal wave To a monster Jonsered chainsaw Chain, chain, chainsaw Earle Chain, chain, chainsaw Earle Chain, chain, chainsaw Earle His cutter bar was ten-foot-two Turned the air all purple and blue Tasmanian devil, in 20 minutes flat Made the landscape look just like Iraq With the trees all limbed and the fire break made The townsfolk saved from a charcoal grave People gathered, shouted and cheered, "Hooray!" For this forest disposal unit Lightin' up a smoke, he laid the chainsaw down Said, "I'm the guy who saved your town" Then Earle knocked over a drum of gas Just as he threw away his match Ah, the gas exploded, and the town burned flat And Earle ran off just like a scalded cat "It's been 15 years," his father said "And he's still as stunned as me arse" Stunned, stunned, stunned as me arse Stunned, stunned, stunned as me arse Stunned, stunned, stunned as me arse was Earle
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