
You can't run you can't hide there's know need need to try you don"t know when or how's he' coming you just can't get by Now listen Oh death is like a policeman traveling through this land he's serving a death notice to every women and man you gone need a lawyer if I were you that's the next thing I would do just as sure as you are sitting here tonight one day he's got a warrant for you but you know what you can't run (you can't hide) (know need) there's know need know need try (you don't know when) or (how's) he's coming (you can't) you just can't get by one more thing Jesus is a lawyer one who's never lost a case so if I was you I'd get lawyer Jesus I won't wait I make haste this is something you can't get around know matter what do just as sure you can hear my voice tonight one day he's got a warrant for you but you know what one more thing you see He'll take the baby from her mother's breast he'll take the rich man and everybody else He'll take mother daughter, father and son sometimes He won"t stop till got that last one you'll don't mind help me tell'em (Can't run) can't hide (can't run) can't hide he got your number he know where you live know when you leave and when you come home well my mind go back to a story in the bible days one day God called a man by name of Jonah said, nigh Jonah I want you to go down to place called Nineveh tell my people if they don't repent I'll destroy that city but you know that story Jonah didn't wanna go so Jonah decide that he was going down to a place called Joppa he went on down to the ship yard and he went on down to the ticket office got him a ticket and he was on his way to a place called Trashish and he went on down on the bottom of the deck got over in a corner and went fast to asleep but what he didn't know when he laid down God was looking right at him God was looking at him but God didn't bother all God did Was he called the wind and told the wind I want you to blow and he told thunder I want you to roar and He lightning I want you to flash and He told the tides to stand up real high cause I gotta child that's trying to run and think he can hide And about that time the captain came around and told his crew members to put all the anchors we gotta get ready and set for sail and then they tell me thunder started to roar lightning started to flash tides stood up high and the wind begin to blow captain got confuse told all his crew members out of all this time we made this journey we ain't never Ain't never had trouble before then he told all his crew members come on the top deck then ask them tell me tell me who is your God who is your God who ever you God is I want you to call Him and about that time another man came and said wait a minute captain there's one more man and he's down stairs and over in a corner and he's fast a sleep captain said let me go down I'll see about him captain walked over and shook old Jonah and Jonah stood up and the captain asked him how can you sleep and we in a storm than he ask him tell me who is your God and Jonah told him my God is: father of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the captain said call him Jonah told him I ain't gotta call him ain't gotta call him he already know he already know that I'm trying run and I'm trying to hide said, well now captain if you want peace on your ship you got take me on top and throw me over board so he took Jonah up and they threw him over board and bible tell me God had a fish prepared for him swallowed him down then turned around and took down on the bottom of the sea but I so glad to night I'm so glad tonight it don't make know difference how low you get God can always hear you if you would just call him just call him
Writer(s): Kenneth Edmonds Lyrics powered by