
Twas early Sunday morning as I lay in me bed I felt a cold dampness in the covers round me head I looked up towards the ceiling, the sun was shining through Somehow in the nighttime I had lost me bloody roof I then got out of bed for to put some trousers on Twas now that I noticed that half me clothes were gone I thought I'd have a cup of tea and think about me lot But I couldn't find a kettle and I couldn't find a pot Kathleen, Kathleen, now I have seen She'll have no more of my jack (hep!) She's taken half the things I own And strapped them to her back She offed me with me dining table She offed me with me working clothes I haven't a canny notion Just what she'll do with those I went to see me neighbor who's up before the dawn To see if he'd a notion about these goings on He looked at me so tenderly and poured me a wee dram Says "I'm hating to be telling you but nonetheless I am" "It's just before the daybreak I went to check me still" "I seen the girl you're living with a'climbing up the hill" "She had a pack upon her back a'picking through the rocks" "And she and your old milking goat were dragging a big box" Kathleen, Kathleen, now I have seen She'll have no more of my jack (hep!) She's taken half the things I own And strapped them to her back She offed with me roofing shingles She offed with me milking goat She offed with all me pots and pans And didn't leave a note Kathleen she did the washing, the cooking, and the floors She used to tend the garden and she'd all the easy chores And though she was a wee bit fat I'd let her share me bed And if she wasn't happy well you think she might've said Kathleen she took me best years I'm running short of time I still may find another though I know I'm past me prime But still at church each morning I wear me very best I hope to find myself a girl who wants a little less Kathleen, Kathleen, now I have seen She'll have no more of my jack (hep!) She's taken half the things I own And strapped them to her back She offed with me mother's kettle She offed with me firewood And all of that from a wee girl I used to think was good
Writer(s): Joe Grushecky Lyrics powered by