
A wager with you my pretty fair maid Five hundred pounds to your ten A maid you will go to the merry green broom And a maid you'll no longer return-o A wager, a wager with you kind sir Five hundred pounds to my ten A maid I will go to the merry green broom And a maid I will boldly return-o The maiden she sat in her bower alone She is in torment and strife If I don't go to the Broomfield this night My love he won't make me his wife-o So up and she goes on her good white steed Away for her young man to meet She found him lain there and all fast asleep With a blood red rose at his feet-o She's kissed him twice on cheek and on chin Then over his body did lean There she did place five rings on his chest Just so he would know she had been-o Then off through the woods the young maid did go Just when her love did arise He saw the five rings laid there on his chest On his face was nought but surprise-o A wager with you my pretty fair maid Five hundred pounds to your ten A maid you will go to the merry green broom And a maid you'll no longer return-o A wager, a wager with you kind sir Five hundred pounds to my ten A maid I will go to the merry green broom And a maid I will boldly return-o
Writer(s): Kate Anna Rusby Lyrics powered by