
Pubwards we crawled again The queue had skewed around the bend And me the last of all my friends Halloween in Galway "I'm sorry buddy not tonight" Peter mutters steely eyed The lads are in and out of sight Concerned as always I wandered lonely as the crowd Turns a darker shade of loud My brain picks apart and teases over All I might do wrong While someone dressed as Jesus Is wailing Redemption Song Past the couple having dinner Both staring at their phones Past the broken-hearted Cupid Saying "How could I have known?" After he said "Don't be stupid" Turned Houdini with the truth Now she's banging back a bottle Of 100% proof Past the Robin Hood who's handing food Out to a homeless girl Says "I remember how it feels To be forgotten by the world" Then looks into the camera Says "Poverty must end" Checks his Rolex and steps back into His new Mercedes Benz Past the David Foster Wallace Bandana in his hair Who mentions Dostoyevsky when he's sure someone can hear Then argues with the barman on existential themes And heads into the bathroom to Google what it means Saying "I'm not shy I'm understated The Mona Lisa's overrated Stop trying to make me perfect Cause being human's complicated." I'm sorry buddy not tonight I'm sorry buddy not tonight Then back down to earth again Having beaten myself round the bend With me's that lead to bitter ends I see your face There's a gravity about you Something in the eyes One of those conversations Where you don't need to try The game of who can tell The most earnest lie My hopeless rumination Clocks out for the night Until you say "take off your mask" You reach out to find the clasp I say "I can't" and watch you gasp Laughing, you say "Goodnight"
Writer(s): James Mcgregor, The Clockworks Lyrics powered by