
The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience Reality to experience Confine yourself to observing And you always miss the point of your own life The object can be stated this way Live the best life you can Some never participate Life happens to them They get by on a little more Than dumb persistence And resist with anger or violence All things that might lift them Out of their resentment filled illusions Of security Abandon certainty That's life's deepest command And that's what life's all about We are a probe into the unknown Into the uncertain The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience Reality to experience The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience Reality to experience Life is a game Whose rules you learn If you leap into it and play it to the hilt Otherwise you are caught off balance Continually surprised by the shifting play Non-players often whine and complain That luck always passes them by They refuse to see that they can create Some of their own luck Fortune passes everywhere The joy of living, its beauty Is all bound up in the fact That life can surprise you There's no secret to balance You just have to feel the waves Survival is the ability to swim In strange water The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience Reality to experience The mystery of life Isn't a problem to solve But a reality to experience Reality to experience Be prepared To appreciate what you meet There's no mystery About a human life It's not a problem to be solved But a reality to be experienced A reality to be experienced A reality to be experienced A reality to be experienced A reality to be experienced
Writer(s): Adam Narkiewicz Lyrics powered by