
Screams were so loud, the tearing of flesh caused agonizing pain Wrought-iron tines did penetrate the skull Holes through the bones, holes through the organs Powerful thrusts of hatred from the blackest of souls Piercing the skin with violence so brutal, cannot be explained This evil is never contained By stabbing the bones, by stabbing the organs Powerful thrusts of hatred will claim one more soul Gouging attack, punctured Vicious assault, torture Gashing away, ruptured Heinous relief, die Dispersal of bones, decaying of organs Powerful thrusts of hatred, life from the living I stole Killing again with violence so brutal cannot be explained This evil has always sustained Gouging attack punctured Vicious assault, torture Gashing away, ruptured Heinous relief, die Screams were so loud, the tearing of flesh caused agonizing pain Wrought-iron tines did penetrate the skull Penetrate the skull Penetrate the skull Penetrate the skull Pitchfork impalement Savagely torn and covered in blood Murdered relentlessly, lacking remorse for what has been done As the next victim screams "Pitchfork impalement!" Gouging attack, punctured Vicious assault, torture Gashing away, ruptured Heinous relief, die
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