
Pulled a knife when it was needed Po jom tremb for a minute Thought the bitch stopped breathing Shtohen vitet nese iki Po s mendoj kur instikti kicks in Zemra cold Shao lin n arati q sixteen I fucked with school baby ngeli kopil Mos harro man shokt ikin armiku qendron armik Check it Nese se ndreq dot don't break it at least Sa here jom nis me i dhon i dor per lart perher jom ul dyfish Katermbedhjete ska peisazh t bukur rrugve djegin crack Pesembedhjete started rolling balling s di kush o friend I got in zorr me dal out plagosje n gjashtembedhjete Shtatembedhjete on the run fuck the feds nuk bi n grep My baby vogel najher trembet kur xhindosem I them per ty jom angel baby demon per boten N sistem kundrra dajve najher m ndjekin edhe n onderr Armen qysh fmij kam pas n brez e pse ish loder Check it Rendesi t pakt ka lluku tjetrit Shoku F u godit n bark Nuk vdiq vet i vdiq lepri Trust this s lunte mizen tash per nji fjal nxjer hekrin S munden burra me e permbajt ndaj e futen n qeli me vdekjen Hood shit sedra e fort si concret I got hit Vizion i kris perfundum tu u la n dushe si kolektiv Got locked up gjoja s isha locked up in the streets Boj kujdes o fakt kta per nji lacta t cajn n shpin Jointi ndez mendimet me i fik sa vin Fuck po thu e di q foli njoni se kush karin s di Muzika goosebumps fuck switching kurva on the street My homie six feet deep e un sick of this shit
Writer(s): Ertjen Hysa Lyrics powered by