
Tonight is perfect to get together We helped each other through stormy weather Tonight is perfect for time to unwind Don't have to bother leave it all behind We all carry our own backpack Just let it go let's get on the right track So don't you worry I'll give you comfort Step on this flow straight to my safe port Life is like a boat You just need to float and go up and down Life is like a ship On a very long trip but be careful not to drown Tonight is perfect to leave the broken nest I am all ear get all of your chest Tonight is perfect to heal your broken hart Do not have fear it's time for a fresh start I can assure I was in deep water too It took me time and so did you We came ashore now we're ready For something fine to life live steady Life is like a car You can get very far but open your eyes Life is like a plane Height is for you to gain but you need clear skies Tonight is perfect for us to mingle Let's live together stop being single Tonight is perfect I'm pretty sure Things get better in our new future We loved us as one and lived apart You are invited to a new start We will be the ones to live happy Let us unite just you and me Love is like the woods It is the roots that provide strength Love is like a river It meanders and quivers its full length Love is like a flower Beauty gives it power it comes from inside Love is like a farm It has its charm but work is at site
Writer(s): Joseph Nota Lyrics powered by