
I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence I swung my boot until it cracked I kicked a hole in your fence You can build it as tall as you like to keep me out But have no doubt in advance As soon as I get my chance I'm coming back On track To relentlessly attack And kick a hole in your fence And I eagerly anticipate this life-changing experience A fact Of the utmost importance Through the fence I'll unleash An army of rodents A trained and vicious pack of rats These rats have no fear They've trained for weeks, months, years Joy and laughter Heartache and tears Rats will penetrate your interior I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence The rats I released are hungry And have incredible endurance I made the hole at night And left no evidence Not a pebble Out of place No scent Nor fingerprint Now you pay for your crimes We'll start with dollars and cents Go ahead Fix your fence Scoff at the minor expense It makes no difference Because no defense Can prevent My boot From kicking A hole In what It is I'm sworn against! I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence A violent turn of events I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence And the rats that attack Are wide awake and alive With chattering teeth like sharpened knives And they gnaw on your furniture And leave an awful stench And you will attempt to eradicate them By leaving your house And pitching a tent You will get a taste of how it feels to be without a home paying rent Your heart palpitating like a failing stent And all the while The bills get greater and greater And much to your chagrin You will realize that you hired Grand Commander The exterminator! The leader of the rats What you thought was the end, was just the beginning You took pills to ignore and pretend The sad tale of your fading heaven Little did you know You were only on the cusp Of being targeted Again and again You paid the one who kicked a hole in your fence Which could never make up for what you took from me Life and time Lonely nights spent Crying tears of malevolence Boiling with every swing of my steel-toed boot As I angrily fume with intense disrespect Hurting my leg As I mercilessly kick A hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence A violent turn of events I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence And you came home and screamed Because your house was pristine? You felt sweet relief Finally, an end to the grief No longer victims Of a pack of rats and thieves Who robbed your home of your pitiful dreams Lackluster scenery And garden greens But the truth That your eyes couldn't see Was that the joy you were experiencing Was truthless Because the plan unleashed Was both ruthless and toothless Malicious And to the feasting rats, delicious Pernicious As days go by, and the horror grows weaker Unbeknownst to you, the foundation attacked by rats cracked And your problems get deeper The relief in the here and now With every creak and improper sound First raises an eyebrow And then suspense turns to dread Dread turns to fear One by one the cracks continue to appear First in the ceilings and the walls Small bits of paint begin to fall The joy from the garden, the greenery scenes Turn into agony and laughable screams And the house you built On the back of my dreams Is crumbling And tumbling And the reality of life Is forever stumbling Worse than it seems Like catching your balance On a narrowing beam Suspended above a bustling street With the beam extending ahead As far as your eyes can see And you, my friend, are forever condemned to walk on the beam Forever Condemned To walk On the beam I kicked a hole in your fence I kicked a hole in your fence A violent turn of events I kicked a hole in your fence
Writer(s): Samuel Damask Lyrics powered by