
The longest night of darkest dreams Heralds the new tomorrow The morning light of bright sunbeams Can only soften sorrow From deepest winters harshest cold There comes a hint of warming gold And spring returns with tales untold The frozen earth to borrow Where winters snow has barely gone A snowdrop proudly glistens The robin sings its joyful song If only you would listen And fractured earth is turning green Where only brown and red were seen And agony has turned serene Where sanity went missing The farmer looks to find his home Among the fields of battle He cannot sing to mark his word Nor even call his cattle His only comfort is the sky Which stays the same as years go by But through the tears that dim his eye The misty canons rattle Heros return to foreign lands Have memories to smoulder They'll turn their hands to peaceful work Not like their lonely brother Who work with gas and shows them how Each time he yokes his careful plow And with the sweat of his own brow He'll venture to recover In flanders fields the poppys grow As part of every season Through winters bless the wounds still show As if there was a reason To show the world that hid in pain, That spring will come and cold again But underneath the scars remain And will for generations The longest night of darkest dreams Heralds the new tomorrow The morning light of bright sunbeams Can only soften sorrow From deepest winters harshest cold There comes a hint of warming gold And spring returns with tales untold The frozen earth to borrow The longest night of darkest dreams Heralds the new tomorrow
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