
Will my heart know it better? Will my neurons firing write me a letter? Like scribbles on the face of an EEG machine, Is this where my heart check will begin? When the blood within me flows higher than normal, Will this be a sign? And when it hits the lows, Will I be so kind? To get it checked, Review, Are there things that I need to change That are not currently in my view? This procedure should not be new to me, May be a need for a surgical bypass That bypasses my logic to want to hold 'em in - The grudges and pains that have lodged Like plaques in the arteries to my heart. It's crazy 'cos they come in as seeds And soon enough, they are trees That should have no part being there. It's better to sever it's growth young, Before it comes at a severe cost. One minute my heart pounds within my chest, Another, it's hands against my chest In hard and fast successions. It's how desperately I needed to survive, To be revived. This is what my realization would signify. And yes, it might come to a stent Needing to go into my vessels to dislodge 'em. But hey, it's just so I knew the extent of how much He wants to make me a vessel. Resurgence. And one more time I would be a pen in his hand, writing a love story. One He writes in plain beautiful rhythms of grace pulses. My heart would no longer need to take the risky pauses. Again, I would breathe, But more cautious. Again, I would live, But more conscious. Free and unbridled. Ready to let the life flow through me unclogged. Ready to live away from the heart hazards, unplugged.
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