
Hi! I'm trash the wrapper. I'm here To destroy your rivers and your oceans, And eventually the earth! Hahaha. Try To stop me, If you can! (Hahaha) I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Pick me up or you Ain't gonna last (Ain't gonna last) I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Litter is pollution, be the solution Cigarettes, straws, and plastics Can food, wrappers, and napkins Who knows how long they're lasting The ocean it's everlasting Trash from the river, just ends up in the ocean It causes a commotion with marine life like It takes 1000 years for plastic to degrade 100 million animals die without our aid I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Pick me up or you Ain't gonna last (Ain't gonna last) I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Litter is pollution, be the solution Not loving it, stop litterin' Picturin' the pounds that ya Bringin' In The bottles, and lids, and the litters Going in bays, and oceans, and rivers You think it's no harm think it's No issue think that you live in a bubble But I promise it's worse than you think So friends can ya'll please try to recycle And I know, you would think It's not much Trouble. But keep Them habits up and you will end It on the Double (yeah) I'm here Tryna make disaster, keep droppin' All them wrappers and I'll end this World much faster I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Pick me up or you Ain't gonna last (Ain't gonna last) I'm Trash (Trash) I'm Trash (Trash) Litter is pollution, be the solution If you don't do anything soon We're all in big trouble. Throw your trash Recycle and tell your friends to do the same I'm trash the wrapper, Goodbye!
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