
Hello stranger Hello there stranger Does this, road go all the way to Little Rock? I've been standing here all day and it hasn't gone nowhere yet Hello stranger Hello again stranger Your corn looks awful little and yeller I planted the little yeller kind Hello stranger Well, hi there stranger I don't believe that you're too far from a fool, are you? Believe what? I said I don't believe you're very far from a fool No thats right, son Just this guitar and mandolin here between us Hello Stranger Well, hiya stranger How'd your potatoes turn out? They didn't turn out at all I had to dig them out Hello stranger Well, hello stranger Can't you see that your roof is leaking? Why don't you fix it? Well, right now it's rainin' too hard And when the suns a shinin why, it dont leak! Hello stranger Well, hello there stranger Have you lived here all your life? Not yet! Hello stranger Hello again there, stranger You're not very smart are you? No ... but I ain't lost
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