
Transliteration: Kazot anochi shkttah kemeymey agam Ohevet shalvat chulin eyney tinokot veshirim shel francis jam Beshekvar hayamim atetah nafshi argaman Ve'al rashey heharim Le'echad hayiti im haruchot hagdolot Im tsrichat nesharim Beshekvar hayamim... Zeh hayah beshekvar hayamim Haitim mishtanot, haitim mishtanot Ve'achshav hineh anochi kazot Ve'achshav hineh anochi Kazot anochi shketah kemeymey agam Ohevet shalvat chulin eyney tinokot veshirim shel francis jam Beshekvar hayamim atetah nafshi argaman Ve'al rashey heharim Le'echad hayiti im haruchot hagdolot Im tsrichat nesharim Beshekvar hayamim... Zeh hayah beshekvar hayamim Haitim mishtanot, haitim mishtanot Ve'achshav hineh anochi kazot Beshekvar hayamim... Zeh hayah beshekvar hayamim Haitim mishtanot, haitim mishtanot Ve'achshav hineh anochi kazot Ve'achshav hineh anochi kazot Translation: I am just so: quiet A placid lake I am I love the serenity of routine, Babies' eyes, Francis Jeam In days gone by my spirit soared Wrapped in crimson it would fly At one with mountain tops The howling wind, the eagles cry But that was all in days gone by That was long ago Things change And no, I am just so
Writer(s): Rachel, Gil Dor Lyrics powered by