
Her only remark was a closing remark That one sometimes hears between friends She began to emerge without speaking a word Into something quite different from him For she usually would start where he usually would stop And then blissfully wade right on through Still the ideas unfolded in their perfect array Only hinting at what lay beyond them Hidden behind all the logic one finds without truth I recall how a carnival meeting in late fall Had brought me together with them With no real direction, just a simple reflection Of a movement as clear as the wind We both stood there gazing and not quite believing Or willing to change points of view Still the ideas unfolded in their perfect array Only hinting at what lay beyond them Hidden behind all the logic one finds without truth So I'm watching another exceptional flower Beginning to blossom and grow As yet still unspoken, but with more than a token Reminder of times yet to go And the frequent suggestion is that time is the question And not so much which one you choose But still ideas will unfold in their perfect array Only hinting at what lay beyond them Hidden behind all the logic one finds without truth Hidden behind all the logic one finds without truth (Spoken) And then that refrain repeats on the record About six hundred and thirty seven thousand times, Over and over and over and over again like the last one did. Anyway, back to Jason and Marie And all that stuff going on in the prison. Jason finally is beginning to grok on some level the fact that, Uh, he and Marie, um, uh- have got a different place they can share And that being in love is a state of consciousness that he can enjoy Without having to get stuck on the object he has begun believe Was the thing that got him to that place. He wanders back to Tom, who's at the cabin, And gets himself back there without thinking, And Tom says, "Well I knew Marie wouldn't come with you, pal. I'm glad that you worked through that quick. Because until somebody's ready to come through, They can't come through. I mean, her coming through is event- is assured, Eventually, she's gonna do it, it's inevitable, everybody does, But, uh, you can't pull 'em through without confusing them. And a cheap desire trip to have her come and be your partner And love only you forever and always, And you love only her forever and always Is, uh, just exactly the kind of thing that makes everybody crazy." Jason says "Well, I really like it out here And I really like what's goin' on, And I certainly do appreciate everything That, uh, you've done for me." And Tom says "Well good, then you won't- Then you're ready for the next bit of information Which is the fact that I'm splitting." Jason says "Where are you going?" Tom says "Ah, ah, ah, ah, can't tell you that. I'm goin' to a place that you wouldn't understand either. Jason, "Well, there's no- Well, what am I gonna do?" And, uh, Tom says "Well you're gonna be a guide now." Jason says "I don't know how to be a guide! I mean, I've learned a little bit about, Uh, this love business with Marie But I'm certainly ill-equipped to show people around This state of consciousness." And Tom says, "You'll do just fine. You'll have every message that you need." And Tom says "Look, all you have to do is love everybody And tell the truth." Jason says "Oh, is that all?" He says, "Yeah, thats all. Uh, I mean it's a very simple kind of thing." And Jason says "Well what about if I find somebody that I don't like That's a drag?" And Tom says "Well, your real nature is love, man. All you can do is stop hating, 'cause your natural self, which is loving, will shine forth." Jason says, "Well I don't wanna be loving to some creep." Tom says "Well, thats what you gotta learn to quit. And if you quit that, then love shines forth without effort." And Jason says "Yeah, and I'll walk around And I'll be going 'Hello, I love you' And someone will be smashing me in the face and stealing my wallet." Tom says, "Nah, you don't quite have it yet, pal, Because the kind of love that we're talking about is Not this simple, humble, 'I love you baby, uh, Here we are, it's all groovy and wow and far out'. The kind of love we're talking about is active and powerful, And it is the sort of thing in which evil withers." Well, Jason says "I don't know." Tom says "Look, you'll catch it later. I'm leaving." Jason says, "Well when will I understand?" Tom says "Well, the infinite... is a funny thing to contemplate. Right now you believe a growth occurs through time, But as you begin to nibble at the edge of the infinite One of the first things you find out... is that there is no time And this thing that you call 'growth occurring through time' Doesn't occur at all. So, when you understand the infinite, The first thing you understand is that you've been there all along. It's like the prison, you were free the whole time, You just didn't know it." And he splits, and Jason says goodbye. And this is the last song, it'll be the last song tonight as well. Thank you very much, I've enjoyed it on a couple of levels.
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