
Whether we live or die today Our life is in the hands of the gods So fear not, my friend, fight well It must live on from father to son Every day the battle-slain Are chosen by All-father's hands May they join Odin's horde For Ragnarök they prepare Here I stand, sword in hand A warrior all of my life Never touched by the blade But all my friends they have died I raise my sword to Valhalla To all the fallen warriors And I raise my sword to Valhalla May they feast with the gods in the golden hall Sailed with kings for many years Fought in battle to land and to sea I am a swordsman, proved many times And proud my father would be Oh, we fight, it's how we win And how we die, it's the warrior way I am who I am and I won't change Not for you, not for any of them Valhalla awaits me up high... I raise my sword to Valhalla To all the fallen warriors And I raise my sword to Valhalla May they feast until the twilight of the gods And bright shine the gates of Valhalla I raise my sword to Valhalla To all the fallen warriors And I raise my sword to Valhalla May they feast with the gods in the hall up high And I, I am not afraid to die... I shall enter Odin's hall Where I'll await my sons to join I'll share the stories of my sword With all the greatest warriors... Tales of triumph shall be told At the table high among the gods Across the rainbow bridge I'll go Oh, may the Valkyries take me home... Valhalla Valhalla Vast and bright thy halls (vast and bright thy halls) Embrace the fallen one (embrace the fallen one) In the golden hall (in the golden hall) Welcome the northern son (welcome the northern son) Valhalla Valhalla Valhalla
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