
Little oak tree Hiking southwards pretty fast Sick of all those winters you've lived through in the past After all those years of standing still You leave your meadow, run down your hill Trying to find everlasting summer I guess you never will You left your soil behind in search of vanity Nothing you could find in cold reality Now that you are back this place has Nothing more to do with what you knew Gone the place called home Little pond Longing for the sea Tired of pondring and pondring endlessly One day you waved, poured on your way and flew But your water was way to few To ever make your dreams come true You've left your soil behind in search of satory Nothing you could find in dry reality Now that you are back this place has Nothing more to do with what you knew Gone the place called home Gone the place called home Gone the place called home Gone the place called home Little pillow Lying on my bed Waiting to carry the weight of my heavy head Throughout all your life you've always tried To lull me to sleep, but not tonight Little pillow I'm not coming Back
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