
Welcome to J-SQUAD basics in Educational learning That's me Fantastic! No running in the halls Detention for you When will you learn For you Let's play! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Eight, nine, ten Wow! Let's play! Looks like it's sweeping time Congratulations, you found all Seven notebooks Now all you need to do is GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!! Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep Oh hi! Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep Oh, (No running in the halls) Wow, let's play Fantastic! Oh hi! Favourite subject math, math Fantastic! No running in the halls Detention for you When will you learn Detention for you Let's play! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven Eight, nine, ten, wow! Let's play! Looks like it's sweeping time!! Congratulations, you found all Seven notebooks Now all you need to do is GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!! Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep Oh hi! Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep Oh, (No running lin the halls) Wow, let's play Let's play again Sometimes soon
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