
I have learned to trust God and His word I continue to experience many miracles in the midst of my storm I've also come to know about His many promises One evening, I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to take away the pain That He would deafen my ears to the things I would hear about my husband To give me joy in my life, even if I was alone I went on and on, and I even asked Him to make my life exciting There is a promise in the Bible that says ":Crying may come at night, but joy comes in the morning" That became real to me I woke up the next day and the pain was gone I realized that my relationship with Jesus Christ made the difference Praying in His name was the power He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" "No one comes to the Father, except through me" I now know that, apart from Jesus, I can do nothing I am so grateful to God for this amazing truth that He revealed in my life
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