
Planetary spirals on the verge of dissipating into ether Withering species, antonyms of eternity Astonished by the visions of chaos in spiral motion For we are bound to the forge of finitude Branded by the forge yet blessed with the promise of free will, Destined to return and engulf the cosmic foundry Elliptical orbits slide through wormholes Dragging planets in their wake, Reverberations of agony permeate the very essence of matter Rhetoric winds consume these barren wasteland Even when corpses are erased by vermin and oblivion, We still worship the vultures of destruction Hail to thee, vultures of elimination We linger in a state of caustic incubation Cathode cages are built to purge Our Vitruvian sense of belonging Trapped in the shadow of long-lost memories For we are bound to the forge of finitude, The source that creates yet dictates All things must eventually end
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