
Capricious as I am and fickle In spite of my renowned restlessness In spite of my knowing changability My versatility My spirit of adventure One day because of your winning ways I gave you All I had But you in your typical fashion Conceited, flippant, and complacent Just threw it all away Just threw it all away! You heel! You cad! You treated me the way I treated others! You scoundrel! How dare you bring shame Bring shame to my life? Shame, shame One day because of your amourous claims I learned pleasure does not mean aggravation That true love catches you by surprise True love catches you by surprise! But you, confirmed egotist You were just playing games It consisted of re-enacting A moment from your past Either a moment that you lived Or a moment A moment that you imagined You heel! You were just playing games You were just playing games Shame, shame I am conceited, flippant, and deceitful And I am flighty, frivolous, and vain But you scoundrel! You treated me the way I treated others! Just who do you think you are? In spite of my reputation As a lady without heart I gave my heart to you I gave my heart to you! You heel! And here I am! I gave my heart My heart to you! Unaccustomed as I am to asking A man for his favor I'm asking you I'm asking you! Come Come Come! I'm helpless without you!!
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