
Candy canes, counting days, Kids who still believe. Falling snow, mistletoe, Trimming the tree. Lying underneath the glow Of colored strings of lights. Dreaming of Christmas night. Popcorn chains, china plates, The smell of pumpkin pie. Wrapping gifts, ornaments, Stockings hung high. Baking cookies and reading stories, A different tale each night. Seeing it again through a child's eyes... It's the hope That one day, the world will know peace. It's the love That you feel, when you help those in need. It's shepherds who followed A star in the night. We're all wrapped up in the gift of Christmastime. Holy night, a gift divine, Unto us has come. A perfect child, baby mild. And holding her Son, Mary sings a lullaby While perfectly He sleeps. And she wonders what this miracle will bring... It's the sound Of Heaven, as angels sing. It's the grace That only the Savior will bring. It's wise men who follow Him Each day of their lives. All wrapped up in the gift of Christmastime. It's wise men who follow Him Each day of their lives. It's hope. And peace. It's warmth and light. It's love. And joy, and life. It's Christmastime.
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