
It's a Tuesday afternoon She's sitting on a couch, sipping rosé, watching the news The police found a body Buried in the middle of nowhere, cut deep to the bones What kind of monster would've done that? Her neighbours, sipping tea Saying the victim never got to run Then, the press showed up Asking her questions that benefit political stunts She's got a red Vespa A scar on her arm with some Mediterranean tattoos She's a fan of ABBA She downs tequila Fought for those who can't see through She's always optimistic, a full of life And kind and bright mother of two 'Oh, what a shame, but she had it coming' 'I always knew there was something wrong Under that pretty little face' On a sunny Saturday She's paying a visit to the victim's grave There are lilies everywhere But she knows it's just a trend for posting on the Gram What kind of monster would've done that? Monkeying around, looking for comfort to put on their walls So, here's another show Take out your cameras and come enjoy the freak ones crawl She's got a red Vespa A scar on her arm with some Mediterranean tattoos She's a fan of ABBA She downs tequila Fought for those who can't see through She's always optimistic, a full of life And kind and bright mother of two 'Oh, what a shame, but she had it coming' 'I always knew there was something wrong Under that pretty little face' What kind of monster would've done that Run What kind of monster would've done that So, the devil is still on the run And the mother of two gained fame from the papers for a day He is still on the run And the mother of two, raped and buried in the woods The devil is still on the run And the mother of two became a hashtag, bold fonts He is still on the run And the mother of two had it coming as a woman
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