
During an age of unrest An evil cult rules the land Wandering further from home A Tyrant is sworn to the throne Madness and pain become one in the same When the lunatic spreads his demands With cannibal lust, devoid of trust Serving his disciples with fear A war is waged with sickness and plagues Bonded by death, nothing is left Murderous hordes infest the lords If they are death, you must be dead Murderous visions appear Haunting darkness is near Behind the eyes of the dead Awareness fades away The hunger grows, no one knows Their perception of evil's askew Stained with blood, covered in guts Tearing the flesh from the bone In this vile of blood The promise of a cure Protect this with your life Beware they feed at night Mangled as the Hideous Feed They sneak up behind, rattling their teeth Clawing for flesh, biting so deep Pulling out eyes, pulling out air Severing limbs, bloods everywhere Mangled as the Hideous Feed Mangled as the Hideous Feed Mangled as the Hideous Feed Mangled as the Hideous Feed
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