
I came crawling home last night like many nights before. I finally made it to my feet as she opened up the door. and she said you're not going to do this anymore she said I'm going to hire a wino to decorate our home so you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam will take out that dining room table we'll put a bar along that wall and a neon sign will point the way to our bathroom down the hall. she said just bring those Friday paychecks and I'll cash them all right here and I'll keep on tap for all your friends their favorite kind of beer. and for you I'll always keep in stock those soft aluminum cans and when you're feeling Macho you can crush'em like a man she said we'll rip out all the carpet and put sawdust on the floor. serve hard boiled eggs and pretzels and I won't cook no more they'll be Monday night football on TV above the bar and a pay phone in the hallway when your friends can you find there car she said I'm going to hire a wino to decorate our home so you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam we'll take out that dining room table and put a bar along that wall. and a neon sign will point the way to our bathroom down the hall she said you'll get friendly service and for added atmosphere I'll slip on something sexy and I'll cut it clear to here then you can slap my bottom every time you tell a joke just as long as you keep a Tippin well I'll laugh until you're broke she said instead of family quarrel will have a barroom brawl when the hamms bear says it's closing time you won't have far to crawl and when you run out of money you'll have me to thank you can sleep it off next morning while I'm putting it in the bank she said I'm going to hire a wino to decorate our home so you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam then when you and your friends get off work and you have a powerful thirst well there won't have any reason why you can't stop off here first she said I'm going to hire a wino to decorate our home so you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam we'll take out the dining room table put a bar along that wall and a neon sign will point the way to our bathroom down the Hall she said I'm going to hire a wino to decorate our home so you'll feel more at ease here and you don't need to roam we'll take out the dining room table little bar along that.
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