
Akira He's got clout To the extent that specific technology is taught it's on the job It's through apprenticeships and that's why the Best careers are the apprenticeship careers Because those are things society still has not figured Out how to train and automate yet The classic line here is that one of Warren Buffet went to Benjamin Graham when he got out of school And Benjamin Graham was the author of the Intelligent Investor Is a modernized or created value investing as a discipline And Warren Buffett went to Benjamin Graham And offered to work for him for free And Graham said "Actually your overpriced. Free is overpriced" And Graham was absolutely right When it comes to a very valuable apprenticeship like the Type that Graham was going to give Buffet Buffet Should have been paying him a lot of money And that right there tells you that those are skills worth knowing Specific knowledge all potentially technical and creative So, on the bleeding edge of technology The bleeding edge of art Or the bleeding edge of communication Even today for example there are Probably meme lords out there on the internet Who can create incredible memes that will spread the Idea to millions of people? Incredible memes that will spread the Idea to millions of people? Akira Follow your own obsession Follow your own obsession Follow your own obsession Follow your own obsession And somewhere in the back of your mind you can realize that, Hey actually this obsession I'll keep an eye out For the commercial aspects of it But I think if you go around try to build it a little too deliberately If you become too goal-oriented on the money Then you won't pick the right thing You won't actually pick the thing that you love to do So you won't go deep enough into it But I think it's important What what not start assembling things to deliberately Because you do want to pay the things where you are a natural Everyone is a match for something We're all familiar with that phrase "a natural" Oh, this person is a natural at meeting manner This person is a natural socialite This person is a natural programmer This person is a naturally good So, whatever you are a natural at you want to double down on that And then there are probably multiple things you are natural at Because personalities and humans are very complex We want to be able to take the things that you are Natural and combine them So that you automatically just To share interest and enjoyment End up top 25 or top 10 or top 5% at a number of things Follow your own obsession. Follow your own obsession Whatever you're a natural at you want to double down on that Follow your own obsession Follow your own obsession Whatever you are a natural at you want to double down on that Whatever you are a natural at you want to double down on that Follow your own obsession Follow your own obsession Whatever you are a natural at you want to double down on that
Writer(s): Adam Narkiewicz Lyrics powered by