
I hear the bell go ding-dong deep down inside my heart Each time you say "kiss me" Then I know it's time for ding-dong to start Each time you say "hug me", ding-dong, ding-dong Each time you say "love me", ding-dong, ding-dong I hope I don't wait too long To hear my bell go ding-dong 明明是冷冷清清的長夜 為什麽還有叮叮噹噹的聲音? 聽不出是遠還是近 分不出是夢還是真 原來是一串鈴 打亂了我的心 窗外不再有淒淒切切的幽靈 只聽到喜鵲兒齊鳴 今夜的狂風吹來了第二春 又把消沉的夜鶯吹醒 I hear the bell go ding-dong deep down inside my heart Each time you say "kiss me" Then I know it's time for ding-dong to start Each time you say "hug me", ding-dong, ding-dong Each time you say "love me", ding-dong, ding-dong I hope I don't wait too long To hear my bell go ding-dong To hear my bell go ding-dong
Writer(s): Lionel Bart, Yao Ming Lyrics powered by