All Guitars
Playlist - 100 Songs
Roughly a century after someone first thought of plugging a guitar into the mains, shaping head-nodding riffs around a big, sing-along chorus remains a very potent way to make life-affirming music. Home to some of today’s most rousing rock and indie anthems, this playlist is your perfect pre- and post-gig soundtrack—songs you’ll love air-guitaring to in your bedroom, chanting along with at festivals and belting out with your friends as you find your way home from a big night out. They’re tunes to make memories to, firing up nostalgia for good times with every play. You won’t just find current classics here—there are plenty of tracks by rock and alternative’s fastest-rising stars too. So dig in and find your next favourite guitar heroes. Our editors regularly refresh this playlist. If you hear something you like, add it to your library.