Listen to Yokokimthurston by Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono
Album · Alternative · 2012
Yoko Ono has an avant-garde pedigree second to none, while Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore pushed rock 'n' roll's boundaries until musique concrète, experimental tunings, and extended atonal jams became commonplace. That said, this is a difficult listen for those hoping for a smooth ride or something nearing accessibility. The three have previously made music together, but this is a focused attempt to work on several extended pieces. Their collaboration brings out their most experimental sides, and that means plenty of modulating wails from Ono and vague, atmospheric guitar sounds from Gordon and Moore that build to screaming heights when called for. This may sound surprising or even unlistenable to those who don't know each artist's extremes. But to those acclimated, there's an intriguing vagueness to "Mirror Mirror," an Ono Band vibe to "I Missed You Listening," and wonderful spoken word elements in "Running the Risk" and "I Never Told You (Did I?)." Gordon and Moore's 27-year marriage has recently ended, but their artistic partnership remains. And Yoko is always Yoko.

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